The Town of Dover-Foxcroft acquired the Mayo Mill Dam in 2007. The dam historically supported hydro power, but has
been non-operational for over a decade. The Town has consulted with multiple engineers, turbine suppliers, and a
private developer for years to try to identify a hydropower retrofit and has determined that there are no economically
viable options.
In May 2022, the Town issued a Request for Proposals to explore new options for the site that will allow it to meet state and federal regulations. The only proposal submitted was from the Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) and partners, The Nature Conservancy in Maine and Inter-Fluve, Inc.
The Town Select Board signed a partnership agreement with ASF in late 2022 to produce a study report that will evaluate feasible concept options for the Town to consider. Funding for the report is provided by NOAA Fisheries through the Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act and there is no cost to the Town.
The steering committee unanimously voted to recommend to remove the Dam and work towards improving the riverfront as part of downtown revitalization.
And the Select Board voted 6-1 to accept that recommendation and 7-0 to put the question to Town vote that will be held on June 11, 2024. View those minutes here.

Alsina Brenenstuhl, Project Coordinator, Town of Dover-Foxcroft
Maranda Nemeth, Project Manager, Atlantic Salmon Federation
Eileen Bader Hall, Project Manager, The Nature Conservancy in Maine
Mike Burke, Professional Engineer, Inter-Fluve, Inc.
A steering committee was convened by the Town and meet on a monthly basis to oversee the partnership and made a recommendation on a preferred alternative to the Select Board.
Denise Buzzelli - Piscataquis County Chamber of Commerce
Jack Clukey - Dover-Foxcroft Town Manager (Staff support to the steering committee)
Cindy Freeman Cyr - Dover-Foxcroft Selectboard
Thomas Lizotte - Dover-Foxcroft Selectboard
Chris Maas - Dover-Foxcroft Planning Board/ Historical Society/ Climate Action Committee
Michael Sutton - Dover-Foxcroft Selectboard
Norton True - Dover-Foxcroft Resident